Love is Greater takes a Functional Medicine approach to Wellness Coaching by incorporating the body, mind and spirit.

We specialise in coaching to implement lifestyle and habit change for long-term transformation. We provide weekly coaching sessions to discover areas that need attention as well as those that are working well. Tools and resources such as Functional Medicine educational materials, videos, nutraceutical evaluation, research & example food plans (IFM) are all things that may be used along the coaching journey. We work under the premise that each individual has unique needs that are specific to them. We also cultivate a spiritual practice into lifestyle change because, “You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.” (C.S. Lewis). The expert here is you. Our promise is to walk alongside you as you uncover the next steps towards transformation into wellness.

Specialized Coaching in the following areas:

  • Weight

  • Gut Issues

  • Stress Management 

  • Food Addiction

  • Sugar Addiction

  • and more

How can we help you?